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Easing the Struggles of Urinary Incontinence


Urinary incontinence is a common condition among seniors that can significantly impact their quality of life. Our Philadelphia home care can play a critical role in easing the struggles of urinary incontinence by providing the following support:

  • Assistance with personal hygiene: Our direct care worker can assist seniors with personal hygiene, such as changing and disposing of incontinence products and maintaining skin care. This can help prevent skin irritation and infections and promote comfort and dignity.
  • Toilet assistance: We also assist with toileting, including reminding them to use the toilet regularly, assisting them to the bathroom, and providing help with clothing and hygiene. This can help reduce the risk of accidents and increase seniors’ confidence and independence.
  • Incontinence management: Maintaining a healthy bladder routine, including drinking adequate fluids and avoiding caffeine and alcohol, is also one of our responsibilities. Our caregiver can also assist with exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, such as Kegels, which can help improve bladder control.
  • Emotional support: Urinary incontinence can be a source of embarrassment and shame for seniors, which leads to social isolation and depression. We can offer emotional support by listening to seniors’ concerns, providing encouragement, and helping them find coping strategies to manage their condition.

Coordinating with healthcare providers: Our skilled nursing in Pennsylvania work with other healthcare providers to ensure that seniors receive appropriate medical care for urinary incontinence, such as medication, physical therapy, or surgery if necessary. This also includes scheduling and transportation to medical appointments.

Overall, home care can help seniors manage the challenges of urinary incontinence and maintain their independence, dignity, and quality of life. Daily Dove Care can provide this support to ease the challenges of incontinence with our home health care in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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